How to Upload Picture to Wikipedia Infobox


  • 1 Footstep by step
    • Edit mode
    • i.2 Special:Upload
    • i.3 Special:NewFiles
    • ane.4 VisualEditor
    • ane.5 Upload a newer version
  • 2 Other questions
    • ii.1 What file types are allowed on Fandom?
    • 2.2 How much tin can I upload?
    • two.iii Re-size an paradigm
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Further aid and feedback

Files like images and sound clips are an integral part of wikis. They let readers to get a sense of the information in pages with visual guides. To exercise this, you must first upload files to the wiki where you want to utilize them. You must be logged in to practice this.

The instructions below are for the standard editor. For information on uploading files using the VisualEditor, please see Assistance:VisualEditor.

Step by step

There are a few different methods you can use to upload files. Some are a bit more complex, but each 1 leads to the same issue: populating your pages with visuals!

Edit manner

The easiest method is inserting an image straight via the editor.

  • Drag and drop the file in the "Drop files hither" toolbar.
    • If this bar isn't there, go to your preferences > "Editing" tab > and be certain "Enable the editing toolbar" is checked.
Uploading files 2010 wiki editor.png
  • Click "Upload this file" to upload all the files that were dropped in the toolbar.
  • Click "Insert equally epitome" or "Insert every bit link" (for each image) to include the paradigm on the page or as a link where the caret, or the text cursor, is located in the editing area.


The 'Upload a file' page

Another method, though more complex, is Special:Upload. You tin can observe this by typing it into the browser'southward URL bar, under the header shortcuts menu, or adding it to your toolbar.

  • Click "Cull File" next to the "Source filename:" box to find the paradigm on your computer.
  • You tin can rename the image in "Destination filename:" if you would like.
  • In the "Summary:" department, you can add a description and a source to the prototype.
  • Select the license in the "Licensing:" department.
  • Click "Upload file" to upload an image to your wiki, and so identify it into your article!

Some communities take customized the Special:Upload page, so be sure to have annotation of whatever local instructions.


To add new image, click Add together new Paradigm push, located at top right of the page. Find, that you tin also add new video hither.

Some other method is to go to Special:NewFiles on your wiki. In here, y'all tin observe all images and an option to upload some.

  • Click the "Add new image" button. You volition exist given a dialog to upload an image.
  • Click "Choose File" to find the paradigm on your figurer.
  • You lot tin can rename the prototype in "Filename" by clicking "More than Options", then enter the renamed Filename in the Filename input box, if yous would like.
  • In the "Caption" section, you can add a description and a source to the paradigm.
  • Select the license in the "Licensing" department.
  • Click "Upload photograph" to upload an image to your wiki and then identify it into your article!


"Add New Image" in VisualEditor

Upload File Options in VisualEditor

Some other method is by uploading images through the Visual Editor. The uploading images choice can be found on the toolbar, next to the pick to add an image gallery.

  • Click on the image button, a popular-up box volition appear.
  • Elevate and Drib your files or select "Upload".
  • Cull the files from your computer.
  • Yous can rename your files by clicking on the filename and changing the proper name of the file.
  • Select the license in the "Licensing" section
  • Click "Use changes" to upload your epitome in the article!

Upload a newer version

If you call up that a electric current file is a low quality, yous tin can supersede that by using the following steps:

  • Go to the desired file
  • On the bottom of the "File History" section, click on the link that says "Upload a newer version of this file"
  • Follow the general upload steps.

Other questions

What file types are allowed on Fandom?

By default, file types that can be uploaded are .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .webp, .ico, .pdf, .svg, .odm, .ogg, .ogv, .oga, .psd, .pspimage, .flac, .mkv, .mov, .mp3, .wav, .webm, .opus, and .mp4. Some wikis may allow additional file types on request.

If you would like to include a video on your wiki, please see Aid:Videos.

How much tin can I upload?

The maximum size of uploads is 10 MB. The maximum prototype resolution is 12.5 million pixels.

There is no limit to the number of files you tin can upload, but images and other files should be uploaded for use on the wiki - they shouldn't be used just equally file stores!

Re-size an prototype

When uploading an image, it is okay to upload information technology at the largest legal size you tin can upload to the wiki. This is because the software will re-size the paradigm that people see in articles to a more advisable size without making them demand to load the big image.

See likewise

  • Learn about uploading multiple images at once
  • Learn about the image description page
  • Learn nearly image copyright tags
  • Special:Log/upload: Shows all uploads

Further assist and feedback

  • Scan and search other help pages at Help:Contents
  • Check Fandom Community Cardinal for sources of farther assist and back up
  • Check Contacting Fandom for how to study any errors or unclear steps in this article


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