Acquire how to dehydrate potatoes in easy to follow steps with photos of the process.dried potatoes

Too Read: How to Make Scalloped Potatoes with Stale Potatoes, How to Store Dehydrated Food, Peak Tips for Dehydrating Food , How to Make Dehydrated Mashed Potatoes

Why Dehydrate Potatoes?

It seems odd to dehydrate potatoes when they store so well. But here are two skillful reasons to dry out potatoes.

Lack of Proper Storage Infinite

Potatoes can be stored for a long time if you accept a cool, dark, dry place to store them. A root cellar is platonic.  But, if you're like us and don't have a dry, night, cool place to store food – dehydrating potatoes is a proficient option. Remember, don't store potatoes in the fridge – they'll go blackness spots and get a weird sweetness sense of taste.

Convenient Pre-Made Meals

Dried potatoes are besides great for taking camping or for making bootleg scalloped or au gratin potatoes.  On a decorated weeknight, those dehydrated potatoes sure are fast and piece of cake!

scalloped potatoes

How to Dehydrate Potatoes

Step 1

prep red potatoes
Peeling is optional.

Launder potatoes and cut out any blemishes. Whether or not you lot peel potatoes is totally upwards to yous. Sometimes I practice, sometimes I don't every bit you lot'll come across in the diverse photos.

Step 2

Slice potatoes to nearly 1/eight inch or 2.v mm thick. I used the food processor, but a mandolin or precipitous knife also work.  Just try to proceed the thickness consequent.

potatoes in food processor
The exact thickness is less important than having consistent sized slices.

If you want, you can also brand shredded dehydrated potatoes. Employ the fibroid shredding side of your grater.

Stride 3

Whether you shred or slice potatoes, place them in a bowl of water correct away to prevent oxidation.  Potatoes will get-go to turn brown very quickly!

soaking shredded potatoes
Shredded, whole or sliced potatoes will turn dark-brown quickly, keep them in water until fix to apply.

 It merely took near threescore to 90 seconds for these potato slices to turn brown.

potatoes browning
Information technology doesn't accept long for raw potatoes to turn brown.

Step 4

Blanch potatoes before dehydrating – super important!!

Blanch the potatoes by bringing a large pot of h2o to boil.  Add white potato slices or shredded potatoes to the water and resume humid until slices are fork tender, about 4-half dozen minutes. Fork tender ways you can insert a fork easily without the white potato aging.

fork tender potatoes for dehydrator
Flinch until fork tender, 4-6 minutes depending on thickness.

Do Not skip this step.  Seriously, the results are non pretty. Potatoes that are not blanched will turn a very unappealing grey to black colour every bit they dehydrate. They are not dangerous to consume – but no i will want to eat them. Look, I did a small batch just to show you.

black potatoes from not blanching
These are dehydrated potatoes that weren't fair-skinned, non very appealing!

Step 5

Strain potatoes or scoop out with a big slotted spoon.

blanch potatoes

Footstep half dozen

Lay slices out on dehydrator screen so they are not overlapping.

blanched potatoes on tray

Shredded potatoes can overlap.

dehydrating shredded potatoes

Step 7

Place in dehydrator and dry out at 125° F/52° C for 8 to 10 hours. If you lot do a mix of shredded and sliced, be aware that the shreds may take a picayune less fourth dimension than the slices and y'all may need to rotate trays or remove some before the others are completely dry.

potatoes in dehydrator

Potatoes will be translucent and crisp throughout – just similar the potatoes in a box of scalloped potatoes.

dried potato slices
They're groovy, simply don't confuse them for potato fries!

Unless of course, you leave the peel, then they look like homemade goodness and no boxed product could compare.

dried potatoes with peel

Step 8

Allow to cool and store in a large container where they volition not be crushed.

Here's a expect at the terminal, dehydrated potatoes.

dried potatoes from dehydrator

shredded dried potatoes

And now, you lot're set up to enjoy your dehydrated potatoes.

How to Utilize Dehydrated Potatoes

For hashbrowns, soak the shredded potatoes in water for xv minutes, drain and pan fry.

For stale potato slices, either utilise them dry in casseroles, spud au gratin or scalloped potato recipes. You can also pan fry them afterwards re-hydrating them by soaking in water for 15 minutes or so.

Scalloped Potatoes

scalloped potatoes

Au gratin potatoes (cheese sauce).

au gratin potatoes

How will you lot employ your dehydrated potatoes?

Click here to learn how to dehydrate sugariness potatoes.

Desire to acquire more than? How about a dehydrating workshop with Getty? Getty Stewart is an engaging speaker and writer providing tasty recipes, time-saving tips, and helpful kitchen ideas to brand home cooking like shooting fish in a barrel and enjoyable. She is a Professional Abode Economist, author of Manitoba's best-selling Prairie Fruit Cookbook, Founder of Fruit Share, mom and veggie gardener.